How To Clean Plastic Shower Curtain By Hand [6 Simple Steps]

Is your plastic shower curtain starting to look grimy and dull? It’s a story of every other household, so you’re not alone on this.

But don’t worry; you don’t have to break the bank to replace it just yet. (First thing that most homeowners do)

With a few simple household items and some elbow grease, you can easily clean your plastic shower curtain by hand and return it to its former glory.

The best part?

This guide will show you how to tackle the toughest dirt and grime that can accumulate on your plastic shower curtain. 

So, get ready to roll up your sleeves, and let’s dive into the world of hand-cleaning your plastic shower curtain!

How To Clean Plastic Shower Curtain By Hand In 6 Simple Steps

Step 1: Remove the Shower Curtain

The first step in cleaning a plastic shower curtain by hand is to take it down from the shower rod. This will allow you to work on it more easily without the risk of damaging the shower curtain or the shower rod.

Make sure to remove hooks and rings if they’re attached to the shower curtain. If your shower curtain is out of reach from your hands, you can use the ladder to remove it.

Step 2: Prepare Your Cleaning Solution

Next, it’s time to prepare your cleaning solution. You can use a mixture of warm water and mild detergent or a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. Both of these options are effective at breaking down soap scum and mildew on the shower curtain.

You can also use baking soda, but you don’t have to create a solution for it; just sprinkle it straight on the shower curtain.

Step 3: Soak the Shower Curtain

Once you have your cleaning solution ready, it’s time to soak the shower curtain. Place the shower curtain in a large bucket or bathtub and pour the cleaning solution over it, ensuring the entire curtain is covered.

If your shower curtain is not much dirty, you can leave this step and scrub it straight after applying the cleaning solution.

Step 4: Scrub the Curtain

After soaking the shower curtain for about 30 minutes, it’s time to start scrubbing. Scrub the entire curtain using a soft-bristled brush or sponge, paying extra attention to any areas with stubborn buildup.

Remember to scrub the curtain in a circular motion. This will help easily cut those hard-to-remove stain marks from it.

Step 5: Rinse the Curtain

Once you’ve finished scrubbing, rinse the shower curtain thoroughly with clean water to remove all traces of the cleaning solution. Be sure to rinse both sides of the curtain to ensure that all dirt and grime are removed.

It is recommended to use warm water for rinsing for better cleaning results, but normal water can also do the job.

Step 6: Hang the Curtain to Dry

Finally, it’s time to hang the shower curtain back up to dry. Hang it back on the shower rod, spreading it evenly to prevent any wrinkles or folds. You can also use a fan or open a window to speed up the drying process.

And there you have it – 6 simple steps to hand-cleaning your plastic shower curtain. With just a little effort, you can keep your shower curtain looking clean and fresh for a long time!

What To Avoid When Cleaning Shower Curtain By Hand?

Cleaning a shower curtain by hand can be a simple and effective way to keep it looking clean and fresh. 

However, some common mistakes people make when cleaning their shower curtains can actually do more harm than good. 

Here are some things to avoid when cleaning a shower curtain by hand:

Using Hot Water

While hot water can help break down soap scum and grime, it can also damage some types of shower curtains. 

Hot water can cause plastic shower curtains to melt or warp, making them unusable. Using lukewarm or cool water when cleaning a plastic shower curtain by hand is best.

Using Abrasive Cleaners

Avoid using abrasive cleaners, such as scouring pads or harsh chemicals, when cleaning your shower curtain by hand. 

These can scratch or damage the surface of the shower curtain, making it more susceptible to mildew and mold growth. Instead, use a gentle cleaner or a mixture of warm water and mild detergent.

Scrubbing Too Hard

While scrubbing your shower curtain to remove dirt and grime is important, avoid scrubbing too hard. 

Over-scrubbing can damage the surface of the shower curtain and make it more difficult to clean in the future. 

Using a soft-bristled brush or sponge and gentle pressure is recommended when scrubbing your shower curtain.

Letting It Dry in a Bunched-Up State

After washing your shower curtain, avoid letting it dry in a bunched-up state. This can cause wrinkles and folds to form, which can be difficult to remove. Instead, hang the shower curtain up evenly to allow it to dry flat and avoid any unsightly wrinkles.

By avoiding these common mistakes when cleaning a shower curtain by hand, you can ensure that it stays looking clean and fresh for longer.

Different Types Of Plastic Shower Curtains And Their Characteristics

Plastic shower curtains are a popular choice for many households due to their affordability, ease of cleaning, and variety of designs. 

However, not all plastic shower curtains are created equal, as different types of plastic materials are used to make them. 

Some of the most common types of plastic shower curtains with their characteristics are given below.

Let’s take a deep look at them.

Vinyl Shower Curtains

Vinyl is one of the most popular materials for plastic shower curtains. It’s affordable, durable, and comes in various colors and designs. 

These curtains are also easy to clean and maintain, as they can be wiped down with a damp cloth or soaked in a cleaning solution.

PEVA Shower Curtains

PEVA, or polyethylene vinyl acetate, is a more environmentally-friendly alternative to vinyl. It’s made from non-chlorinated materials and is, therefore, less harmful to the environment.

PEVA shower curtains are also resistant to mildew and mold, making them a good option for those with allergies or respiratory issues.

PVC Shower Curtains

PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is another popular material for plastic shower curtains. It’s durable, water-resistant, and can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth or sponge. 

However, PVC shower curtains can emit harmful chemicals when heated, so they may not be the best option for those with respiratory issues and kids.

EVA Shower Curtains

EVA, or ethylene vinyl acetate, is a type of plastic that is often used as a safer alternative to PVC. It’s free of harmful chemicals and is, therefore, less likely to emit fumes. 

These shower curtains are also resistant to mildew and mold, making them a good option for those who want to avoid allergens.

How To Clean Plastic Shower Curtain In Washing Machine?

Cleaning a plastic shower curtain in a washing machine is a quick and easy way to get it to look clean and fresh again. 

Here are the steps you should follow:

Remove any Hooks or Rings

Before placing your plastic shower curtain in the washing machine, remove any hooks or rings that may be attached to it. This will help prevent any damage to your washing machine or shower curtain.

Place the Shower Curtain in the Washing Machine

Place your plastic shower curtain in the washing machine and a few towels or other items to help balance the load. Washing your shower curtain in cold water is important to prevent it from melting or warping.

Add a Gentle Detergent

Add a small amount of gentle detergent to the washing machine. Avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals which can damage your shower curtain.

You can also use baking soda with detergent to see extraordinary cleaning results for your plastic shower curtain.

Wash on a Gentle Cycle

Set your washing machine to a gentle cycle and let it run through a full wash cycle. This will help remove dirt, grime, or mildew from your shower curtain.

Remember not to set the machine on the fast cycle or else you will be extremely gutted to see the results.

Hang the Shower Curtain to Dry

After the washing machine has finished its cycle, remove the shower curtain and hang it up to dry. Letting the shower curtain dry completely before re-hanging it in your bathroom is important.

You can easily clean your plastic shower curtain in a washing machine using these simple steps. Just remember to always wash it on a gentle cycle and use a mild detergent to avoid any damage.

How To Prevent a Plastic Shower Curtain From Getting Moldy

Preventing mold from growing on your plastic shower curtain is important for your bathroom’s appearance and health. 

Below are some tips to help prevent mold growth on your plastic shower curtain. Let’s take a look at them.

Open the Shower Curtain After Use

After using your shower, open the curtain to allow it to air dry. This will prevent moisture from getting trapped in the folds of the curtain and create a breeding ground for mold.

Use a Fan or Ventilation

Turn on a fan or open a window in your bathroom to help circulate air and reduce moisture. This will help prevent mold growth on your bathroom’s shower curtain and other surfaces.

Wash the Curtain Regularly

Washing your plastic shower curtain liner regularly is important in preventing mold growth. To clean your curtain, remove it from the hooks and place it in the washing machine with a few towels. Use a gentle cycle and a mild detergent, and avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals.

Use a Mold-Resistant Curtain Liner

Consider using a mold-resistant shower curtain liner. These liners are designed to resist mold and mildew growth, and they can be a good investment if you live in a humid area or have had mold problems in the past.

Keep Your Bathroom Clean and Dry

Keeping your bathroom clean and dry is key to preventing mold growth. Regularly clean surfaces in your bathroom, such as the shower and bathtub, and use a squeegee or towel to remove excess water afterward.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to clean a clear plastic shower curtain?

The best way to clean a plastic shower curtain is by using your hands. To do it, soak the plastic shower curtain in a mixture of warm water and white vinegar for several minutes. Then, gently scrub dirt or grime using a soft-bristled brush or sponge. Rinse the curtain thoroughly with warm water and hang it to air dry.

How do you remove mold and mildew from a plastic shower curtain?

To remove mold and mildew from a plastic shower curtain, use a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. Apply it to the affected areas and scrub with a brush or sponge. Rinse and air dry. For stubborn stains, try a paste of baking soda and water.

Is it safe to wash a plastic shower curtain in the washing machine?

Yes, washing a plastic shower curtain in the washing machine is safe, as long as you remove any hooks and rings, use a gentle cycle with warm water and mild detergent, and avoid using bleach. Add a cup of white vinegar to help remove any mildew or mold.

Final Verdict

Cleaning a plastic shower curtain by hand is a simple and effective way to keep your bathroom looking fresh and clean. 

After following the steps mentioned above, you can effectively remove dirt, grime, and soap scum from your shower curtain without damaging the plastic material. 

I hope this comprehensive guide has explained everything you need to know about: How To Clean Plastic Shower Curtain By Hand.

If you have questions in your smart brain, please vent them out in the comment section below; I would love to answer them.

Hey there, I'm Abdul Moeed Shahid, the DIY aficionado and experienced writer. With a wealth of knowledge gained from years of honing my craft, I bring my expertise to the world of DIY and home improvement projects.

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